Commit 40e3db9b by Jason Zhou


parent 86203129
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ $ npm i -g git+
wildcat run
This command will backup your current config and code files and do the upgrade.
> NOTE: Make sure your current config is the old version. It will not do the judement.
The command that does the trick.
![wildcat run](assets/run-example.png)
1. restore
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const _ = require('lodash')
const {
} = require('../packages/actions')
const BANNER = `
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const BANNER = `
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
const VERSION = '0.1.0'
const VERSION = '1.1.0'
const run = async () => {
......@@ -56,16 +56,24 @@ const run = async () => {
// add extra \n for good looking
log.title('📥 Preserve current configs')
log.title('📝 Update config files')
log.title('💯 Update legacy codes')
log.title('🐣 Upgrade pacakages')
const { willUpdatePackages } = await inquirer.prompt([
name: 'will-update-packages',
type: 'confirm',
default: true,
message: 'Would you like update packages? It is OK to skip if already updated.'
if (willUpdatePackages) {
log.title('🐣 Update pacakages')
log.title('🐥 Everything set! Run yarn dev')
log.title('🐥 Everything set! Run yarn dev now')
// since shelljs.exec doesn't work with inqurier.js
// use spawn instead
spawn('yarn', ['dev'], {
......@@ -82,10 +90,11 @@ program
'Restore the previous configs, make sure you have execed wildcat run command or it may go wrong.'
.description('Restore the previous configs and codes.')
.action(() => {
"name": "wildcat",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "a cli tool for accelerating webpack dev server of Bobcat.",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "A cli tool for accelerating webpack dev server of Bobcat.",
"main": "index.js",
"bin": {
"wildcat": "./bin/index.js"
......@@ -7,62 +7,57 @@ const handlebars = require('handlebars')
const { log } = require('./utils/log')
const { TEMPLATES, PACKAGES, LEGACY_CODES, BACKUP_FILES } = require('./configs')
const { TEMPLATES, PACKAGES, LEGACY_CODES } = require('./configs')
handlebars.registerHelper('if_eq', function(a, b, opts) {
return a === b ? opts.fn(this) : opts.inverse(this)
const preserveOldFiles = () => {
BACKUP_FILES.forEach(file => {
log.item(`Preserving ${file} ...`)
const basename = path.basename(file)
fs.copyFileSync(file, `${__dirname}/backups/${basename}`)
const restoreOldFiles = () => {
log.title('📤 Restore previous configs')
`⚠️ Make sure you have execed ${
'wildcat run'
)}, or it may go wrong`
BACKUP_FILES.forEach(file => {
const restoreLegacyCodes = () => {
log.title('📤 Restore previous codes')
LEGACY_CODES.forEach(file => {
log.item(`Restoring ${file} ...`)
const basename = path.basename(file)
fs.copyFileSync(`${__dirname}/backups/${basename}`, file)
fs.copyFileSync(`${__dirname}/codes/old/${basename}`, file)
`⚠️ Run ${
'npm update'
)} yourself to reset node_mouduls`
)} yourself to reset node_modules`
const updateConfigFiles = (mode = 'chill') => {
TEMPLATES.forEach(filename => {
log.item(`Updating ${filename} ...`)
const updateConfigs = (mode = 'chill') => {
TEMPLATES.forEach(file => {
log.item(`Updating ${file} ...`)
const content = fs.readFileSync(
const template = handlebars.compile(content)
const output = template({ mode })
fs.writeFileSync(filename, output, 'utf8')
fs.writeFileSync(file, output, 'utf8')
const updateLegacyCodes = () => {
LEGACY_CODES.forEach(({ name, update }) => {
log.item(`Updating ${name} ...`)
const content = fs.readFileSync(name, 'utf8')
const output = update(content)
fs.writeFileSync(name, output, 'utf8')
const restoreConfigs = () => {
log.title('📤 Restore previous codes')
TEMPLATES.forEach(file => {
log.item(`Restoring ${file} ...`)
const basename = path.basename(file)
fs.copyFileSync(`${__dirname}/templates/${basename}`, file)
const updateCodes = () => {
LEGACY_CODES.forEach(file => {
const basename = path.basename(file)
log.item(`Updating ${basename} ...`)
fs.copyFileSync(`${__dirname}/codes/new/${basename}`, file)
const upgradePackages = () => {
const updatePackages = () => {
const command =
'yarn add -D ' +{ name, version }) => {
......@@ -74,9 +69,9 @@ const upgradePackages = () => {
module.exports = {
import init from './init'
/* eslint-disable import/first */
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import 'js/reactInit.es6'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import {
} from 'react-router'
import { syncHistoryWithStore } from 'react-router-redux'
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger'
import { Iterable } from 'immutable'
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/browser'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
import reducers from 'nextgen/app/reducers'
import BlogManager from 'nextgen/blog/manager/Manager'
import BlogToWechatPreview from 'nextgen/blog/BlogToWechatPreview'
import SelectTemplate from 'nextgen/app/scenes/SelectTemplate'
import LiveChat from 'nextgen/app/scenes/LiveChat'
import Analytics from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Analytics'
import Preview from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Preview'
import ResellerDashboard from 'nextgen/app/scenes/ResellerDashboard'
import Domains from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Domains'
import Domain from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Domain'
import DomainPurchase from 'nextgen/app/scenes/DomainPurchase'
import DonationManager from 'nextgen/app/scenes/donation/DonationManager'
import ClientTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/resellerDashboard/ClientTab'
import BillingTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/resellerDashboard/BillingTab'
import AddCreditTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/resellerDashboard/AddCreditTab'
import PartnerTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/resellerDashboard/PartnerTab'
import SalesDashboard from 'nextgen/app/scenes/SalesDashboard'
import ResellerTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/salesDashboard/ResellerTab'
import StatsTab from 'nextgen/app/scenes/salesDashboard/StatsTab'
import Audience from 'nextgen/app/scenes/audience'
import Miniprogram from 'nextgen/dashboard/miniprogram'
import ComboDashboard from 'nextgen/dashboard/Combo'
import MiniprogramDashboard from 'nextgen/dashboard/miniprogram/components/dashboard'
import MiniprogramSelectTemplate from 'nextgen/dashboard/miniprogram/components/selectTemplate'
/* eslint-enable import/first */
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger({
collapsed: true,
predicate: (getState, action) => process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
stateTransformer: state => {
if (Iterable.isIterable(state)) {
return state.toJS()
return state
const middleware = [thunkMiddleware, loggerMiddleware]
// Add the reducer to your store on the `routing` key
const composeEnhancers =
(localStorage &&
localStorage.getItem('__strk_developer__') &&
const store = createStore(
// Create an enhanced history that syncs navigation events with the store
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store, {
selectLocationState: state => state.get('router').toJS(),
class RouterComponent extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes() {
static getChildContext() {
return { location: this.props.location }
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
{/* Tell the Router to use our enhanced history */}
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/s/sites/:siteId/blog/manage" component={BlogManager} />
<Route path="/s/select_template" component={SelectTemplate} />
<Route path="/s/analytics/:siteId" component={Analytics} />
<Route path="/s/sites/:siteId/preview" component={Preview} />
<Route path="/s/reseller" component={ResellerDashboard}>
<IndexRedirect to="clients" />
<Route path="clients" component={ClientTab} />
<Route path="billing" component={BillingTab} />
<Route path="addcredit" component={AddCreditTab} />
<Route path="partners" component={PartnerTab} />
<Route path="select_template" component={SelectTemplate} />
component={props => (
<Route path="/s/sales" component={SalesDashboard}>
<IndexRedirect to="resellers" />
<Route path="resellers" component={ResellerTab} />
<Route path="stats" component={StatsTab} />
<Route path="/s/v2_domains" component={Domains} />
<Route path="/s/v2_domains/purchase" component={DomainPurchase} />
<Route path="/s/v2_domains/:domainId" component={Domain} />
<Route path="/s/live_chat" component={LiveChat} />
<Route path="/s/audience/:id" component={Audience} />
<Route path="/s/miniprogram" component={Miniprogram}>
<IndexRoute component={MiniprogramDashboard} />
<Route path="/s/reseller/zhubajie/instances" component={ComboDashboard} />
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
.then(([poFile]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary')
const ConfStore = require('js/stores/conf_store')
cloudinary.config('cloud_name', ConfStore.getCloudinaryCloudName())
const RouterComponentWithContext = ComponentKitContext(RouterComponent)
<RouterComponentWithContext />
.catch(e => {
console.error(e, e.stack)
if ( { => {
if (err) {
import createClass from 'create-react-class'
import Morearty from 'morearty'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import $ from 'jquery'
import logger from 'js/utils/logger'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/browser'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/purl'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/tooltip'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/easing'
import 'js/reactInit.es6'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/modules/core'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/modules/decorator'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/modules/event'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/modules/fixer'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/modules/util'
import 'js/v3_bridge/template_helper/main'
import TimerMixin from 'react-timer-mixin'
import EditorActions from 'js/actions/editor_actions'
import BlogPostEditorStore from 'js/stores/BlogPostEditorStore'
import CollaboratorsStore from 'js/stores/collaborators_store'
import 'js/stores/BlogPostMetaStore'
import 'js/stores/BlogPostManagerStore'
import 'js/componentsForBlog'
import $B from 'js/v3_bridge/b'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import { wrapComponentWithReduxStore } from 'js/utils/reduxUtil'
import * as editorStoreCreator from 'js/reducers/editorStoreCreator'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
import connectReduxStoreToBinding from 'js/utils/helpers/connectReduxStoreToBinding'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
if (typeof window.timerStart === 'undefined') {
window.timerStart = new Date().getTime()
window.timerCheck = function(label) {
const time = new Date().getTime() - window.timerStart
const msg = `${label} in ${time}ms`
return msg
window.edit_page = require('js/v3_bridge/edit_page_bridge')
window.edit_page.isBlog = true
// These two are direct reads so promises can be fired quicker
// const locale = $S.globalConf.locale
const themeName = $S.blogPostData.pageMeta.theme.name_with_v4_fallback
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
const p2 = import(`manifests/themes/${themeName}.js`)
Promise.all([p1, p2])
.then(([poFile, manifest]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
const ThemeStore = require('js/stores/theme_store')
const BootstrapWrapper = createClass({
mixins: [Morearty.Mixin, TimerMixin],
componentWillMount() {
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary')
const ConfStore = require('js/stores/conf_store')
cloudinary.config('cloud_name', ConfStore.getCloudinaryCloudName())
componentDidMount() {
if (CollaboratorsStore.getLocked()) {
return EditorActions.openDialog('collaborationWarning')
if ($.url().param('open') === 'welcome') {
// setup tooltips
$('.strikingly-menu-container [rel="tooltip-right"]').tooltip({
placement: 'right',
container: '#strikingly-tooltip-container',
// expend dialog
try {
if (
window !== window.parent &&
window.parent.edit_page &&
) {
} catch (e) {}
this.setTimeout(() => {
// iframes will use parent's Event first
// App store should be loaded after main editor to properly subscribe events from parent
// If load app store first, then Event is wrong, subscription will fail.
}, 0)
render() {
const BlogPostEditor = require('js/components/blog/BlogPostEditor')
return <BlogPostEditor />
const Ctx = BlogPostEditorStore.init(window.$S)
const reduxStore = editorStoreCreator.getStore()
const BlogEditorBootstrap = wrapComponentWithReduxStore(
connectReduxStoreToBinding(reduxStore, Ctx.getBinding())
const BlogEditorWithContext = ComponentKitContext(BlogEditorBootstrap)
$(() => {
<BlogEditorWithContext />
window.timerCheck('React has finished rendering')
.catch(e => console.error(e))
// Provide webpack modules to v3
// Note: es6 imports will break - Andy Feb 2016
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
const i18nHelper = require('js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper')
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'
// Note: Intially, the following chunk was loaded asynchronously with
// require.ensure, but it breaks on uat of sxl and thus is removed
// Andy Feb 2016
// used in dashboard to send data to angular
import EditPage from 'js/v3_bridge/edit_page_bridge'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
let Event = null
window.edit_page = EditPage
try {
if (parent.window.edit_page && parent.window.edit_page.Event) {
Event = parent.window.edit_page.Event
EditPage.Event = Event
} else {
Event = EditPage.Event
if (parent.window.edit_page) {
parent.window.edit_page.Event = Event
} else {
parent.window.edit_page = {
} catch (e) {
if (window.edit_page && window.edit_page.Event) {
Event = window.edit_page.Event
EditPage.Event = Event
} else {
Event = EditPage.Event
if (window.edit_page) {
window.edit_page.Event = Event
} else {
window.edit_page = {
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
.then(([poFile]) => {
const $ = require('jquery')
const React = require('react')
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
const SupportWidget = require('js/components/support_widget/SupportWidget')
const PurchaseBridge = require('../../nextgen/domain/PurchaseBridge')
const SupportWidgetWithComponentKit = ComponentKitContext(SupportWidget)
const PublishManager = require('nextgen/subApps/publishManager')
$(() => {
const supportWidgetContainer = document.getElementById(
if (supportWidgetContainer) {
<SupportWidgetWithComponentKit />
.catch(e => console.error(e))
if ( { => {
if (err) {
import React from 'react'
import $ from 'jquery'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import PhotoPage from './components/PhotoPage'
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile(
Promise.all([p1]).then(([poFile]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
$(() => {
<PhotoPage setType="background" />
if ( { => {
if (err) {
import React from 'react'
import $ from 'jquery'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'
import {
} from 'react-router'
import { syncHistoryWithStore } from 'react-router-redux'
import reducers from 'nextgen/app/reducers'
import MiniprogramDashboard from 'nextgen/dashboard/miniprogram/components/dashboard'
import Domains from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Domains'
import Domain from 'nextgen/app/scenes/Domain'
import DomainPurchase from 'nextgen/app/scenes/DomainPurchase'
const middleware = [thunkMiddleware]
const composeEnhancers =
(localStorage &&
localStorage.getItem('__strk_developer__') &&
const store = createStore(
// Create an enhanced history that syncs navigation events with the store
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(hashHistory, store, {
selectLocationState: state => state.get('router').toJS(),
function EmptyComponent() {
return <div />
function recordLatestViewedHash(nextState, replace) {
const highlightClass = {
miniprogram: '.my-miniprogram',
v2_domains: '.my-domains',
}[location.hash && location.hash.split('/')[1]]
$('.subnav-container .s-link')
if (localStorage && ['#/miniprogram'].indexOf(location.hash) !== -1) {
localStorage.setItem('dashboard_latest_viewed_hash', location.hash)
class DashboardRouter extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes() {
static getChildContext() {
return { location: this.props.location }
componentWillMount() {
$('.nav-menu .s-link')
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={EmptyComponent} />
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
.then(([poFile]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
const DashboardRouterWithContext = ComponentKitContext(DashboardRouter)
$(() => {
<Provider store={store}>
<DashboardRouterWithContext />
.catch(e => {
console.error(e, e.stack)
if ( { => {
if (err) {
import './init'
import _ from 'lodash'
import $ from 'jquery'
import 'js/vendor/jquery/easing'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Iterable } from 'immutable'
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'
import ManagerReducer from 'nextgen/ecommerce/manager/reducers/ManagerReducer'
import connectReduxStoreToBinding from 'js/utils/helpers/connectReduxStoreToBinding'
import PortfolioManagerStore from 'js/stores/PortfolioManagerStore'
import FeatureStore from 'js/stores/FeatureStore'
import ConfStore from 'js/stores/conf_store'
import * as UrlConstants from 'js/constants/url_constants'
import ProductPanel from 'nextgen/portfolio/manager/components/productPanel'
import CategoryManagerWrapper from 'nextgen/ecommerce/manager/components/settings/categoryManagerWrapper'
import gonReader from 'js/utils/gonReader'
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
import { UPDATE_SETTINGS_SUCCESS } from 'nextgen/ecommerce/manager/actions/entities/settings'
import PortfolioManagerBridge from 'js/v4_bridge/PortfolioManagerBridge'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
const loggerMiddleware = createLogger({
collapsed: true,
predicate: (/* getState, action */) => process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
stateTransformer: state => {
if (Iterable.isIterable(state)) {
return state.toJS()
return state
const store = createStore(
thunkMiddleware, // lets us dispatch() functions
loggerMiddleware, // neat middleware that logs actions
const baseProps = {
siteId: gonReader('id'),
siteState: gonReader('state'),
publicUrl: gonReader('public_url'),
meta: gonReader('pageOwner.portfolio'),
isStandAlone: window.parent === window,
isPro: ['pro', 'namecheap', 'sxlbiz'].includes(
isVip: gonReader('pageOwner.membership') === 'vip',
isSxl: Boolean(gonReader('globalConf.isSxl')),
isAdmin: Boolean(gonReader('pageOwner.isAdmin')),
isSupport: Boolean(gonReader('pageOwner.isSupport')),
const productProps = {
gonReader('pageOwner.portfolio').productLimit ||
(gonReader('globalConf.isSxl') ? 6 : 1),
upgradeUrl: UrlConstants.PRICING.GOTO_AND_RETURN(
productPageRollout: gonReader('globalConf.rollout.product_page'),
productDetailRollout: gonReader('globalConf.rollout.product_detail'),
siteMemberShip: gonReader('globalConf.rollout.siteMemberShip'),
noCategoryLimit: gonReader('globalConf.rollout.no_category_limit'),
class ProductsContainer extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
PortfolioManagerBridge.subPublishUrlChange((topic, data) => {
baseProps.publicUrl = data.url
PortfolioManagerBridge.subSiteStateChange((topic, data) => {
baseProps.siteState = data.state
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
function CategoryContainer(/* props */) {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
const CategoryContainerWithComponentKit = ComponentKitContext(CategoryContainer)
const siteIdString = gonReader('id').toString()
PortfolioManagerBridge.subSettingsChange((topic, data) => {
let settings =
.getIn(['entities', 'settings', 'data', siteIdString, 'settings']) || {}
if (settings.toJS) {
settings = settings.toJS()
payload: {
settings: Object.assign(settings, data.settings),
meta: {
siteId: siteIdString,
const getState = () => ({
product: store
.getIn(['entities', 'product', 'data', siteIdString]),
category: store.getState().getIn(['entities', 'category', 'data']),
settings: store
.getIn(['entities', 'settings', 'data', siteIdString, 'settings']),
const prevState = getState()
store.subscribe(() => {
const newState = getState()
if (newState.product !== prevState.product) {
prevState.product = newState.product
if (newState.settings !== prevState.settings) {
prevState.settings = newState.settings
if (newState.category !== prevState.category) {
prevState.category = newState.category
.then(([poFile]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
$(() => {
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary')
cloudinary.config('cloud_name', ConfStore.getCloudinaryCloudName())
if (window.parent === window) {
let ImageAssetDialog = require('js/v4_bridge/react_app_bridge/ImageAssetDialogApp')
const EditorStore = require('js/stores/editor_store')
const ctx = EditorStore.init()
connectReduxStoreToBinding(store, ctx.getBinding())
ImageAssetDialog = ctx.bootstrap(ImageAssetDialog())
<Provider store={store}>
<ImageAssetDialog />
const productsContext = PortfolioManagerStore.getProductsContext()
const WrapperedProductsContainer = productsContext.bootstrap(
<WrapperedProductsContainer />
<CategoryContainerWithComponentKit />
.catch(e => console.error(e))
if ( { => {
if (err) {
# This is an example forman configure file for bobcat
# You can adjust the procs based on your personal development need
# 1. Install forego `brew install forego`
# 2. Copy this file to Procfile
# 3. Configure the tasks
# 3. Start all procs by `forego start`
# NOTICE: 1. All the logs are under /log, you can simply check log by `tail -f log/sidekiq.log`.
# 2. The error messages should better be piped to stdout, that's what `2>&1 >file` for.
# 3. forego supports multiple processes invoke `forego start -c all=1, worker=2` this will start 2 worker process
# WEB server
# default way to start server
# server log is piped to stdout by default
# Server with hotload
web: env DISABLE_UNICORN_KILLER=1 REACT_HOT=1 PRODUCT_NAME=sxl RACK_ENV=none RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec unicorn -p 3000 -c unicorn_dev.rb
# Server with no hotload
# web: env DISABLE_UNICORN_KILLER=1 PRODUCT_NAME= RACK_ENV=none RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec unicorn -p 3000 -c unicorn_dev.rb
# WORKER, you can adjust the queues based on your need
worker: env PRODUCT_NAME= bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml 2>&1 >log/worker.log
# THEME, watch mode
# page_data: strk_build_pages_data
# OpenResty
nginx: env CUSTOM_HOST= openresty -p devs/nginx -c nginx.conf
# If you need to bind custom host:
# nginx: env CUSTOM_HOST= openresty -p devs/nginx -c nginx.conf
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "app",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./app/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./app/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./app/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
import 'js/loadBugsnag'
import './init'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import $ from 'jquery'
import logger from 'js/utils/logger'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import bootstrapBlog from 'js/prerender/bootstrapBlog'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
if (typeof window.timerStart === 'undefined') {
window.timerStart = new Date().getTime()
window.timerCheck = function(label) {
const time = new Date().getTime() - window.timerStart
const msg = `${label} in ${time}ms`
return msg
window.edit_page = require('js/v3_bridge/edit_page_bridge')
window.edit_page.isBlog = true
window.edit_page.isShowPage = true
// These two are direct reads so promises can be fired quicker
// const locale = $S.globalConf.locale
const themeName = $S.blogPostData.pageMeta.theme.name_with_v4_fallback
const forcedLocale = $S.blogPostData.pageMeta.forcedLocale
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile(
const p2 = import(`manifests/themes/${themeName}.js`)
Promise.all([p1, p2])
.then(([poFile, manifest]) => {
const BlogBootstrap = ComponentKitContext(
$(() => {
<BlogBootstrap />,
window.timerCheck('React has finished rendering')
.catch(e => console.error(e))
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "bright",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./bright/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
import $ from 'jquery'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import cloudinary from 'cloudinary'
import logger from 'js/utils/logger'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
// import {AppContainer} from 'react-hot-loader'
import * as RHL from 'react-hot-loader'
import { wrapComponentWithReduxStore } from 'js/utils/reduxUtil'
import * as editorStoreCreator from 'js/reducers/editorStoreCreator'
import ComponentKitContext from 'js/utils/ComponentKitContext'
import wrapErrorBoundary from 'js/components/ErrorBoundary'
import 'js/reactInit.es6'
// These two are direct reads so promises can be fired quicker
const supportedVerticals = ['personal']
const themeName = $
const AppContainer = wrapErrorBoundary(RHL.AppContainer)
// Load dynamic editor and theme style files on editor debug environment
if (__MODE__ === "'editor-debug'") {
let verticalName = $S.stores.pageMeta.vertical
// only apply supported vertical
if (!supportedVerticals.includes(verticalName)) {
verticalName = themeName
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile()}`)
const p2 = import(`manifests/themes/${themeName}.js`)
const p3 = import(`manifests/verticals/${verticalName}.js`)
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3])
.then(([poFile, manifest, vertical]) => {
const I18n = require('js/utils/i18n')
const ConfStore = require('js/stores/conf_store')
cloudinary.config('cloud_name', ConfStore.getCloudinaryCloudName())
function injectVerticalData() {
const SectionSelectorStore = require('js/stores/section_selector_store')
// fill in dynamic default page data based on user or page meta (e.g email)
const FillInDynamicDefaultThemeData = require('js/utils/themes/FillInDynamicDefaultThemeData')
manifest = FillInDynamicDefaultThemeData(manifest)
for (const key in vertical.sectionSelections) {
const selector = vertical.sectionSelections[key]
_.merge(selector, manifest.sections[selector.content.template_name])
if (__NATIVE_WEB__) {
// TODO: wrap it in another file
const NativeBridge = require('js/actions/NativeBridge')
window.NativeBridge = window.NativeBridge || {}
window.NativeBridge.setTarget = NativeBridge.setTarget
window.NativeBridge.sendMessageToWeb = NativeBridge.sendMessageToWeb
const EditorStore = require('./stores/editor_store')
const Ctx = EditorStore.init()
$(() => {
const ThemeStore = require('js/stores/theme_store')
const EditorBootstrap = require('js/components/EditorBootstrap')
const Editor = require('js/components/editor')
const EditorWrapper = wrapComponentWithReduxStore(
const EditorWithContext = ComponentKitContext(EditorWrapper)
<EditorWithContext />
} else if (__IFRAME_EDITOR__) {
const ctx = window.parent._ctx.copy()
// iframe editor will use the same redux store as it's parent
const editorStore = window.parent._editor_store
$(() => {
const ThemeStore = require('js/stores/theme_store')
const EditorBootstrap = require('js/components/EditorBootstrap')
const Site = require('js/components/MobileViewSite')
const SiteWrapper = wrapComponentWithReduxStore(
const EditorWithContext = ComponentKitContext(SiteWrapper)
<EditorWithContext />
} else {
window.timerStart = window.timerStart || new Date().getTime()
window.timerCheck = label => {
const time = new Date().getTime() - timerStart
const msg = `#{label} in ${time}ms`
return msg
const EditorStore = require('./stores/editor_store')
$(() => {
const ThemeStore = require('js/stores/theme_store')
const EditorBootstrap = require('js/components/EditorBootstrap')
const Editor = require('js/components/editor')
const Ctx = EditorStore.init()
const EditorWrapper = wrapComponentWithReduxStore(
window._ctx = EditorStore.getCtx()
// to iframe editor can use the same redux store as it's parent
window._editor_store = editorStoreCreator.getStore()
const PageMetaStore = require('./stores/page_meta_store')
const CurrentUserStore = require('./stores/current_user_store')
const EditorWithContext = ComponentKitContext(EditorWrapper)
<EditorWithContext />
if ( {['js/components/editor'], () => {
const Editor = require('js/components/editor')
const EditorWrapper = wrapComponentWithReduxStore(
const EditorWithContext = ComponentKitContext(EditorWrapper)
<EditorWithContext />
const isStrikinglyReseller =
CurrentUserStore.isResellerAgent() && !ConfStore.getIsSxl()
if (
!ConfStore.getInIosApp() &&
!ConfStore.getInWeChat() &&
(!PageMetaStore.isSiteOfResellerClient() ||
isStrikinglyReseller ||
) {
const SupportWidget = require('js/components/support_widget/SupportWidget')
<SupportWidget />
.catch(error => {
// catch errors and call console.error so that they are reported by Bugsnag
console.error('You had an error: ', error.stack)
throw error
if ( { => {
if (err) {
// like manifest webpack plugin, but fit multiple configs environment of webpack
// generate entries of each config, and collect them into a manifest json file
const path = require('path')
const fse = require('fs-extra')
module.exports = class EntriesGenerationWebpackPlugin {
constructor(opts) {
this.opts = Object.assign(
fileName: 'manifest.json',
appendMode: true,
transformExtensions: /^(gz|map)$/i,
getFileType(str) {
str = str.replace(/\?.*/, '')
const split = str.split('.')
let ext = split.pop()
if (this.opts.transformExtensions.test(ext)) {
ext = `${split.pop()}.${ext}`
return ext
apply(compiler) {
compiler.plugin('compilation', compilation => {
compiler.plugin('after-emit', (compilation, compileCallback) => {
const publicPath =
this.opts.publicPath || compilation.options.output.publicPath
let files = compilation.chunks.reduce(
(files, chunk) =>
chunk.files.reduce((files, path) => {
let name
if ( {
name = this.opts.setEntryName
? this.opts.setEntryName(
name = `${name}.${this.getFileType(path)}`
} else {
name = path
return files.concat({
isInitial: chunk.isInitial ? chunk.isInitial() : chunk.isOnlyInitial(),
isChunk: true,
isAsset: false,
isModuleAsset: false,
}, files),
if (publicPath) {
files = files
.filter(file => file.path.indexOf('hot-update') === -1)
.map(file => {
file.path = publicPath + file.path
return file
const manifest = files.reduce((manifest, file) => {
manifest[] = file.path
return manifest
}, {})
let json = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)
const outputFolder = compilation.options.output.path
const outputFile = path.resolve(
const outputName = path.relative(outputFolder, outputFile)
compilation.assets[outputName] = {
source() {
return json
size() {
return json.length
if (this.opts.appendMode && fse.existsSync(outputFile)) {
const previousJson = JSON.parse(
json = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(previousJson, manifest), null, 2)
fse.outputFileSync(outputFile, json)
// Owner: Dafeng
// Feature name: Font store
// * user can update fonts from choosing style
// NOTE:
// Specs here are all technical implementation. Will be ignored for the current QA.
import _ from 'lodash'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import EditorDispatcher from 'js/dispatcher/editor_dispatcher'
import EditorConstants from 'js/constants/editor_constants'
import BindingHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/binding_helper'
import weakmapMemoize from 'js/utils/weakmapMemoize'
const getDefaultFontName = require('js/utils/getDefaultFontName').default
let _bHelper
let _pDataHelper // need the binding to pageData to update fonts
const _updateFont = function(fontType, v) {
const name = `${fontType}Font`
_pDataHelper.setData(name, v)
const _updateFontPreset = function(preset) {
;['title', 'heading', 'body'].map(textType =>
_updateFont(textType, preset.fonts[textType]),
// No longer update fonts from style!
// _updateFontsFromStyle = (styles) ->
// ['heading','body','title'], (font) =>
// _updateFont(font, styles[font + "Font"])
const _updatePreviewFont = (fontType, v) =>
_bHelper.setData(`preview.${fontType}Font`, v)
const _updatePreviewFontPreset = preset =>
['title', 'heading', 'body'].map(textType =>
_updatePreviewFont(textType, preset.fonts[textType]),
const _clearPreviewFont = function() {
const preview = _bHelper.binding.sub('preview')
const transaction = preview.atomically()
const object = preview.get().toJS()
for (const key in object) {
const v = object[key]
transaction.set(key, undefined)
const FontStore = _.assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
// fontPreset is currently for Shangxianle, which designates font setting of
// title, heading, and body
// TODO - Andy, added 22 March 2016
// Improve the font determination logic:
// - first check if fontPreset is present, if so, use the preset setting
// - if no fontPreset, use setting for titleFont, bodyFont etc.
// Currently, fontPreset is just a collection of setting of the other three
// fonts, which means, if we modify the style setting of a preset, the pages
// that use this preset will NOT get style updates, unless they choose another
// preset and switch back.
_allFonts: null,
_initialFonts: null,
_fontsSelectedOnPageLoad: [],
getDefault(pageData) {
return {
preview: {
titleFont: '',
bodyFont: '',
headingFont: '',
fontPreset: '',
data: {
// use for notifying rich text component
titleFont: pageData.titleFont,
bodyFont: pageData.bodyFont,
headingFont: pageData.headingFont,
fontPreset: pageData.fontPreset,
init(b, pDataB) {
_bHelper = new BindingHelper(b)
const ConfStore = require('js/stores/conf_store')
if (__IN_EDITOR__ && !ConfStore.getIsBlog()) {
_pDataHelper = new BindingHelper(pDataB)
// Manually synchronize side_menu and page_data
// to avoid unnecessary render for side menu
;['headingFont', 'bodyFont', 'titleFont', 'fontPreset'].map(font =>
_pDataHelper.binding.addListener(font, changes =>
_bHelper.setData(`data.${font}`, _pDataHelper.getData(font)),
return _bHelper.binding
_setBHelperForTests(bHelper) {
return (_bHelper = bHelper)
loadFontsIfNotLoaded() {
if (_bHelper.getData('isLoadingFonts')) {
_bHelper.setData('isLoadingFonts', true)
return import('../../../config/fonts.json')
.then(fonts => {
return _bHelper.setData('isLoadingFonts', false)
.catch(() => _bHelper.setData('isLoadingFonts', false))
hydrate(fonts, pageData, initFonts) {
this._initialFonts = initFonts
.commit({ notify: false })
return (this._fontsSelectedOnPageLoad = this._getUsedFonts())
getData(k) {
return _bHelper.binding.get(k)
getBinding() {
return _bHelper.binding
getFontName(type, options = {}) {
let preview = false
if (options.preview != null) {
;({ preview } = options)
if (preview) {
return _bHelper.getData(`preview.${type}Font`)
} else {
return _bHelper.getData(`data.${type}Font`)
getAvailableFonts() {
if (this._allFonts) {
return this._allFonts
} else {
return this._initialFonts
search(fontUsage, searchTerm) {
let matchAtBeginning = []
let generalMatch = []
const normalizeFontName = name => name.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '')
searchTerm = normalizeFontName(searchTerm)
this.getAvailableFonts().forEach(f => {
if (fontUsage === 'body' && f.disableBody) {
if (f.hidden) {
const name = normalizeFontName(f.displayName)
if (name.slice(0, searchTerm.length) === searchTerm) {
return matchAtBeginning.push(f)
} else if (name.indexOf(searchTerm) !== -1) {
return generalMatch.push(f)
matchAtBeginning = _.sortBy(matchAtBeginning, f =>
generalMatch = _.sortBy(generalMatch, f =>
return matchAtBeginning.concat(generalMatch).slice(0, 20)
_getSuggestedFonts() {
return this.getVisibleFonts().filter(f => f.isSuggested)
_getUsedFonts() {
return _([
.map(name => this.getFontByName(name))
getSuggestedFonts(fontUsage) {
const usedFontsForOtherTextTypes = this._getUsedFonts()
const defaultFontName = getDefaultFontName(fontUsage)
const defaultFont = this.getFontByName(defaultFontName)
let popular = this._getSuggestedFonts().concat(
popular = _(popular)
.filter(font => !== defaultFontName)
.sortBy(font =>
let fonts = usedFontsForOtherTextTypes.concat([defaultFont]).concat(popular)
fonts = _(fonts)
.reject(f => {
if (fontUsage === 'body' && f.disableBody) {
return true
if (f.hidden) {
return true
.uniq(f =>
return fonts
_setAllFonts(fonts) {
this._allFonts = fonts
_getVisibleFonts: weakmapMemoize(availableFonts =>
availableFonts.filter(f => !f.hidden),
getVisibleFonts() {
return this._getVisibleFonts(this.getAvailableFonts())
getTitleFonts() {
return this.getVisibleFonts()
getHeadingFonts() {
return this.getVisibleFonts()
_getBodyFonts: weakmapMemoize(visibleFonts =>, f => !f.disableBody),
getBodyFonts() {
return this._getBodyFonts(this.getVisibleFonts())
getFontByName(name) {
return _.find(
f => === name.toLowerCase(),
getFont(textType, options) {
return _.find(
item => === this.getFontName(textType, options),
getSelectedFontPresetName() {
return _pDataHelper.getData('fontPreset')
// Look into preview fonts and actual font to determine which font to show
// 1. if preview has value 'default', use theme default
// 2. if preview has other values, use that
// 3. otherwise, use font in page data
getFontStyle(textType) {
const previewFontName = this.getFontName(textType, { preview: true })
if (previewFontName === 'default') {
// fallback to theme defaults
return {}
} else {
const font =
this.getFont(textType, { preview: true }) ||
this.getFont(textType, { preview: false })
if (font != null) {
return {
fontFamily: font.cssValue,
} else {
return {}
getFontClassNames() {
// Class names on #s-content, used for both blog post and site in order to set font
const fontClassNames = ['heading', 'title', 'body'].map(type => {
const fontName =
this.getFontName(type, { preview: true }) ||
this.getFontName(type, { preview: false })
const slug = fontName ? fontName.toSlug() : undefined
if (slug) {
return `s-font-${type}-${slug}`
} else {
return `s-font-${type}-default`
return fontClassNames.join(' ')
EditorDispatcher.register(payload => {
switch (payload.actionType) {
case EditorConstants.ActionTypes.SELECT_FONT:
_updateFont(payload.fontType, payload.value)
case EditorConstants.ActionTypes.SELECT_FONT_PRESET:
case EditorConstants.ActionTypes.PREVIEW_FONT:
_updatePreviewFont(payload.fontType, payload.value)
case EditorConstants.ActionTypes.PREVIEW_FONT_PRESET:
case EditorConstants.ActionTypes.CLEAR_PREVIEW_FONT:
// No longer update fonts from style!
// when EditorConstants.ActionTypes.APPLY_STYLES # when hover or select a style
// _updateFontsFromStyle(payload.styles)
if (!window.DEBUG) {
window.DEBUG = {}
window.DEBUG.FontStore = FontStore
export default FontStore
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "fresh",
"sectionSelections": {
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./fresh/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./fresh/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./fresh/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
const fs = require('fs')
const oldFontsJson = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/old.json`).toString()
let result = ''
currentFonts = eval(oldFontsJson)
name: 'helvetica',
displayName: 'Helvetica',
cssValue: 'helvetica, arial',
cssFallback: 'sans-serif',
disableBody: false,
fontType: 'system',
settings: null,
hidden: false,
isSuggested: false,
// These fonts were removed from the list provided by the google fonts API,
// but we still need them in the list because people are already using them
"name": "amatica sc",
"displayName": "Amatica SC",
"cssValue": "\"amatica sc\"",
"cssFallback": "sans-serif",
"disableBody": true,
"fontType": "google",
"settings": {
"google_embed_name": "Amatica SC"
"hidden": false,
"isSuggested": false
"name": "droid sans",
"displayName": "Droid Sans",
"cssValue": "\"droid sans\"",
"cssFallback": "sans-serif",
"disableBody": false,
"fontType": "google",
"settings": null,
"hidden": false,
"isSuggested": false
"name": "droid sans mono",
"displayName": "Droid Sans Mono",
"cssValue": "\"droid sans mono\"",
"cssFallback": "sans-serif",
"disableBody": false,
"fontType": "google",
"settings": null,
"hidden": false,
"isSuggested": false
"name": "droid serif",
"displayName": "Droid Serif",
"cssValue": "\"droid serif\"",
"cssFallback": "serif",
"disableBody": false,
"fontType": "google",
"settings": null,
"hidden": false,
"isSuggested": false
"name": "ek mukta",
"displayName": "Ek Mukta",
"cssValue": "\"ek mukta\"",
"cssFallback": "sans-serif",
"disableBody": false,
"fontType": "google",
"settings": null,
"hidden": false,
"isSuggested": false
// Usually blacklisted because they have many similar variations
const blacklistedFonts = [
'Slabo 13px',
'Slabo 27px',
'Baloo Bhai',
'Baloo Bhaina',
'Baloo Chettan',
'Baloo Da',
'Baloo Paaji',
'Baloo Tamma',
'Baloo Thambi',
'Hind Guntur',
'Hind Madurai',
'Hind Siliguri',
'Hind Vadodara',
].map(n => n.toLowerCase())
const newSuggestedFonts = [
'Bad Script',
'IBM Plex Serif',
'IBM Plex Sans',
'Roboto Slab',
'PT Serif',
'PT Sans',
'Libre Baskerville',
'Share Tech',
'Changa One',
'Zilla Slab Highlight',
const fontsToDisableInBody = [
'Share Tech',
'Changa One',
'Zilla Slab Highlight',
const fontsToReenableAsBody = ['lato']
fontsToRemoveFromSuggested = ['dosis', 'arapey', 'quando', 'trocchi']
fontsToUnhide = ['arapey', 'quando', 'trocchi']
googleFonts = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/googleFonts.json`)).items
/* eslint-disable max-statements */
googleFonts.forEach((font, i) => {
const name =
const existingFontItem = currentFonts.filter(f => === name)[0]
if (existingFontItem) {
if (fontsToRemoveFromSuggested.indexOf( !== -1) {
existingFontItem.isSuggested = false
if (fontsToUnhide.indexOf( !== -1) {
existingFontItem.hidden = false
if (fontsToReenableAsBody.indexOf( !== -1) {
existingFontItem.disableBody = false
// Keep value from existing manually curated list of fonts
if (blacklistedFonts.indexOf( !== -1) {
console.log('font blacklisted:',
if (font.subsets.indexOf('latin') === -1) {
// console.log("Excluding font b/c no latin",
const fallback = {
'sans-serif': 'sans-serif',
serif: 'serif',
handwriting: 'cursive',
display: 'sans-serif',
monospace: 'sans-serif',
if (!fallback) {
console.log('No fallback for font: ', font)
const newFont = {
cssValue: `"${name}"`,
cssFallback: fallback,
disableBody: font.category === 'display' || fontsToDisableInBody.includes(,
fontType: 'google',
settings: null,
hidden: false,
isSuggested: newSuggestedFonts.indexOf( !== -1,
// "category": font.category
if (font.variants.indexOf('regular') === -1) {
// some fonts don't have a regular font, and won't load
// if you don't specify a specific weight
if (!newFont.settings) {
newFont.settings = {}
newFont.settings.weight = font.variants.join(',')
let canAutogenerateEmbedName = true
// We try to auto-generate the embed by capitalizing the first
// character of each word, but that doesn't work for fonts like
// "PT Something", so store the embed name explicitly
if (/[A-Z]{2,10}/.test( {
canAutogenerateEmbedName = false
// e.g. "Waiting for the Sunrise"
if (/ [a-z]/.test( {
canAutogenerateEmbedName = false
// e.g. "BenchNine"
if (/[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z]/.test( {
canAutogenerateEmbedName = false
// e.g. "permanent marker"
if (/(^[^A-Z])|( [a-z])/.test( {
canAutogenerateEmbedName = false
if (!canAutogenerateEmbedName) {
if (!newFont.settings) {
newFont.settings = {}
newFont.settings.google_embed_name =
/* eslint-enable max-statements */
result += JSON.stringify(currentFonts, null, 4)
fs.writeFileSync('./config/fonts.json', result)
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "glow",
"sectionSelections": {
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./glow/section_selections/media/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "ion",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./ion/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./ion/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./ion/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "minimal",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./minimal/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "onyx_new",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./onyx_new/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
import 'js/loadBugsnag'
import './init'
import $ from 'jquery'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import logger from 'js/utils/logger'
import 'js/utils/extensions/native'
import bootstrapSite from 'js/prerender/bootstrapSite'
import * as i18nHelper from 'js/utils/helpers/i18nHelper'
import * as RHL from 'react-hot-loader'
// not widely used, disable it for now
// require('./registerPWA.es6')
// These two are direct reads so promises can be fired quicker
const themeName = $
const forcedLocale = $S.stores.pageMeta.forced_locale
// Load dynamic theme style files on editor debug environment
if (__MODE__ === "'editor-debug'") {
const p1 = import(`locales/${i18nHelper.getTranslationFile(
const p2 = import(`manifests/themes/${themeName}.js`)
const p3 = import(`manifests/verticals/${themeName}.js`)
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3])
.then((...args) => {
const [poFile, manifest, verticalData] = Array.from(args[0])
if (!window.timerStart) {
window.timerStart = new Date().getTime()
window.timerCheck = function(label) {
const msg = `${label} in ${new Date().getTime() - timerStart}ms`
const BootstrappedSite = bootstrapSite({
$(() => {
<BootstrappedSite />,
const ConfStore = require('js/stores/conf_store')
if (ConfStore.isStrikinglyLiveChatEnabled()) {
const SupportWidget = require('js/components/support_widget/SupportWidget')
<SupportWidget />
.catch(e => console.error(e))
// catch errors and call console.error so that they are reported by Bugsnag
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "persona",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./persona/section_selections/media/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "personal",
"sectionSelections": {
"contact": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/contact/content.json"),
"bio": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Bio",
"description": "List experiences, schools, projects, or anything!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/bio/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"intro": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Intro",
"description": "Write a blurb about yourself.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/intro/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"projects": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Projects",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/projects/content.json"),
"resume": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Resume",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/resume/content.json"),
"education": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Education",
"description": "List experiences, schools, projects, or anything!",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/education/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"recommendations": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Recommendations",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/recommendations/content.json"),
"experiences": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Experience",
"description": "List experience, schools, projects, or anything!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/experiences/content.json"),
"skills": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Skills",
"description": "Show skills, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/skills/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"connect": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "suggested",
"displayName": "Connect",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./personal/section_selections/connect/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "perspective",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./perspective/section_selections/media/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "pitch_new",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./pitch_new/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./pitch_new/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./pitch_new/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
* This file is auto generated
* You can modify it to test some changes but they won't be persisted
* You shoud modify directly files in your verticals source directory
* and re-generate this one afterwards.
* Docs:
* Source:
* Binary strk_tmb:
* RDoc:
module.exports = {
"internal": "profile",
"sectionSelections": {
"navbar": {
"sectionId": "navbar",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./profile/section_selections/navbar/content.json"),
"title": {
"sectionId": "title",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Title",
"description": "A big background with a title and tagline.",
"position": 5,
"content": require("./profile/section_selections/title/content.json"),
"donation": {
"sectionId": "donation",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Donation",
"description": "Receive donations right on your site!",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/donation/content.json"),
"footer": {
"sectionId": "footer",
"category": null,
"displayName": null,
"description": null,
"position": null,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/footer/content.json"),
"social_feed": {
"sectionId": "social_feed",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Social Feed",
"description": "Display your latest social media posts beautifully.",
"position": 4,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/social_feed/content.json"),
"ecommerce": {
"sectionId": "ecommerce",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Store",
"description": "Sell products right on your site! Manage orders, payments, and more.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/ecommerce/content.json"),
"contact_form": {
"sectionId": "contact_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact Form",
"description": "Let viewers drop their name, email, and message. Show a map and business info.",
"position": 15,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/contact_form/content.json"),
"cta": {
"sectionId": "cta",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Button",
"description": "A big call-to-action. Supports an external link or a file download!",
"position": 6,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/cta/content.json"),
"gallery": {
"sectionId": "gallery",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Gallery",
"description": "Image and video thumbnails that open in a full view.",
"position": 11,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/gallery/content.json"),
"slider": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Text + Button Slider",
"description": "Swipeable slider with text, button, and image/video. Background image optional.",
"position": 18,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/slider/content.json"),
"html": {
"sectionId": "html",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "App Store & HTML",
"description": "Embed a map, a calendar, a document, a form or any HTML code!",
"position": 3,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/html/content.json"),
"blog": {
"sectionId": "blog",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Simple Blog",
"description": "Write beautiful blog posts that open in a new page.",
"position": 2,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/blog/content.json"),
"rows": {
"sectionId": "rows",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Rows",
"description": "List your features, projects, team members, or anything!",
"position": 8,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/rows/content.json"),
"info": {
"sectionId": "info",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Info Boxes",
"description": "Show boxes of steps, stats, or tidbits.",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/info/content.json"),
"icons": {
"sectionId": "icons",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Contact",
"description": "A list of small icons. Good for social media.",
"position": 12,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/icons/content.json"),
"portfolio": {
"sectionId": "portfolio",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Product Showcase",
"description": "An advanced product portfolio. Each product opens in its own page, were you can add a price, gallery, and detailed description.",
"position": 1,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/portfolio/content.json"),
"text": {
"sectionId": "text",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Plain Text",
"description": "Just paragraphs of text with titles.",
"position": 14,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/text/content.json"),
"columns": {
"sectionId": "columns",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Content in Columns",
"description": "List your projects, clients, features, team, or anything!",
"position": 9,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/columns/content.json"),
"hero": {
"sectionId": "hero",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Hero",
"description": "Great for the top of a page. Add images, a button, or even a sign-up form.",
"position": 7,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/hero/content.json"),
"banner": {
"sectionId": "slider",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Banner Image Slider",
"description": "Swipeable and linkable image slider. Great for promos and heavy graphical content.",
"position": 17,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/banner/content.json"),
"signup_form": {
"sectionId": "signup_form",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Sign-Up Form",
"description": "Let visitors sign up for a newsletter or a service.",
"position": 16,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/signup_form/content.json"),
"process": {
"sectionId": "process",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Process",
"description": "A numbered list of steps. Explain how your service works!",
"position": 13,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/process/content.json"),
"block": {
"sectionId": "block",
"category": "action",
"displayName": "Make Your Own Section",
"description": "Want more control over layouts? Arrange components yourself!",
"position": 100,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/block/content.json"),
"grid": {
"sectionId": "grid",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Grid",
"description": "Linkable panels of images & text. Customize layout, size, and spacing. A very visual way to display categories, testimonials, or features!",
"position": 101,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/grid/content.json"),
"media": {
"sectionId": "media",
"category": "content",
"displayName": "Big Media",
"description": "Show a big video or image. Or add many of them.",
"position": 10,
"content": require("./base/section_selections/media/content.json"),
} }
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